Why won't my VAT number validate within HostShop?

Austin B.
Published: 21 October 2019Last updated: 28 April 2024

We use the automated VIES VAT number validation system to automatically verify VAT numbers entered in to our system.

We recommend verifying that the company name registered with the European Commission matches your 20i account exactly. You can do that by comparing the differences:

  1. Enter your VAT number online at http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/ - without spaces - and note the "Name" field.
  2. Check your company name through My20i at Contact Details. If you have a different Trading Name set, this will be used for comparison. 

While case sensitivity doesn't matter, minor differences do. For example, "Ltd" vs "Limited" would cause a verification failure.

If you're unable to verify the number online, it will be the same for our automatic system so in most instances it's just a case of trying again later.

If you see !! or || when checking your VAT number against VIES you can safely omit anything after those characters when entering your company number into the contact details section at 20i, this will still pass their validation checks.