Common Error Codes Questions
Common error codes in web browsers for users and web hosts and how to fix them.
How to fix an 'ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED' error?
The ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED error will prevent users from accessing a website. In the most basic terms it means that the site cannot be located, so the web browser returns an error.
In most cases this error is caused by problems at the user’s end, such as incorrectly cached network addresses or DNS resolution errors. And in most cases, a simple reboot or DNS settings refresh will resolve the issue.
However, if multiple users are seeing the ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED error, it may indicate an issue where the website operator will need to take action.
Advice for website owners and operators
If you receive multiple reports of this error (or you are experiencing it yourself), the issue may be caused by your DNSSEC settings. DNSSEC uses cryptographic signatures to protect your DNS records from being accessed by unauthorised users. Annoyingly, it can also prevent your domain details from propagating across the internet properly so that it cannot be ‘found’ by web browsers.
To check whether this may be the cause of your ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED problem, do a WHOIS search on your website domain name. Check the Delegation Signed section – if it says ‘Signed’, DNSSEC is enabled on your domain and may be causing the error.
To confirm whether DNSSEC is the cause of the ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED errors, try disabling it on your domain. Login to your web hosting control panel and search for the DNSSEC Protection controls.
Change the setting to off/disabled, save your changes and then retry accessing the affected website – everything should now work correctly.
Anything else I need to know about the ‘ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED’ error?
DNS resolution errors like this are almost always caused by DNS resolution issues. In most cases the problem will be a local configuration issue, but occasionally it may be domain name setting related to DNSSEC. If you can’t fix the problem yourself, ask your ISP customer support team for assistance.

How to fix an 'SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP' error?
As the message implies, this particular error relates to an issue with the secure connection between a web browser and website. Specifically, that the relevant secure connection cannot be completed for some reason, preventing the webpage from loading.
Here’s what you need to check.
Advice for website owners and operators
In most cases this problem is due to a problem between the user’s Firefox browser and your webhost. But there is one server configuration you need to check – whether your website is using an older security technology. It could be that your website is using an outdated encryption technology that is no longer supported by Firefox because it has been superseded.
The fastest way to see whether your website is using an outdated cipher suite like RC4 is to manually enable outdated SSL and TLS certificates in Firefox. You can do this by:
- Open your Firefox settings by typing about:config into the address bar and pressing Enter
- The browser will warn you to proceed with caution – click the Accept the risk and continue button
- Under the Advanced Preferences menu, find the security.ssl3.dhe_rsa_aes_128_sha setting and set to True. Do the same for the security.ssl3.dhe_rsa_aes_256_sha and security.tls.version.enable-deprecated settings
- Try loading your website again
If you find you can access your website after making these changes, you will definitely need to update your SSL/TLS cipher suite. The fastest and most effective way to do this is by enabling the free wildcard SSL certificate included with your webhosting package – see our instructions on how to activate your free SSL certificate.
There is one other reported cause of the SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP – the Cloudflare distribution network. Apparently some Firefox users run into problems because their web browser does not support Cloudflare’s Server Name Indication (SNI) protocol. To avoid similar issues for your users, consider switching to the free 20i CDN for your web acceleration needs.
What else do I need to know?
The SSL_ERROR_NO_CIPHER_OVERLAP error is only found in the Firefox web browser.

How to fix an 'ERR_CONNECTION_RESET' error?
Most of the time, ERR_CONNECTION_RESET errors are caused by problems with the user’s computer or web browser configuration. However, should you receive multiple reports about users being unable to connect to your website, there are a few things you can check.
Advice for website owners and operators
The first step is to find out whether the ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error is located at the browser or the server. You can do this with a third party service like Down For Everyone Or Just Me. If the website checking service can connect successfully, the issue is not server related.
However, if your site is inaccessible, there has probably been a serious configuration error. Your first task is to contact your webhost to report the error – it may be that there is a wider outage that is affecting other customers too. The customer technical support team will also be able to help you begin the troubleshooting process, providing advice about what to check first.
Because the error is caused by the web browser being unable to establish a session with the server, it is highly likely that something is interfering with the connection. Check your webserver firewall settings to ensure correct configuration for instance – it may be that a recent change has blocked SSL traffic on port 443 for instance. Consider rolling back any recent configuration or website changes until you can trace the exact cause of the error.
If your website runs on Apache, you should also check the server logs (error_log) which often provides additional information about errors. Occasionally there may be a misconfiguration in one of your WordPress plugins that is ‘flooding’ the logs with notifications and causing client connections to drop. If you notice one process is writing a lot to the error_log, take a look at the logs for the plug-in referenced. If you see hundreds of entries for each connection, your logging level may be set too high; you can adjust logging levels by changing the error_reporting setting with error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
Anything else I should know about the ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error?
If you’re not sure about how to change logging levels, speak to your web developer or hosting provider for advice.
This particular error is only found on the Google Chrome web browser.

Why am I seeing a "401 Invalid Authentication" error?
You’ll usually see this error if your combined API key in your WHMCS installation doesn't match that originally generated in your 20i account. This can happen if you process a password reset for your main 20i account, as this will also reset the combined API key.
You'll need to obtain the combined API key. This can be found within your 20i Reseller account by going to Manage Reseller -> API, or by going here:
Then, within your WHMCS admin, navigate to Setup -> Products/Services -> Servers.
Locate server details a little further down the page and then enter in the combined API key as the password.
You shouldn’t now experience the '401,"message":"Invalid Authentication"' error.

How to fix the "Error Establishing Database Connection" in WordPress
The Error Establishing Database Connection error is one of the most commonly experienced errors on WordPress sites. The error itself indicates that the connection between your website files and the database has dropped.
As the database is queried for most of your WordPress site’s content, this drop of connection stops any of the site content from displaying until the connection is re-established. So it’s important to address this error as soon as possible.
There are a number of reasons that the connection to the database may drop – the details that are being used to attempt the connection may be incorrect, or the database itself may not be loading correctly or may have been corrupted. This guide will break down the core areas to check to re-establish the connection as soon as possible and get your site loading.
Note: Take a backup of your website database before attempting any of the following solutions. You can do so using our Timeline Backups service.
1. Checking wp-config.php
In a WordPress site, the database connection details are held within a file called wp-config.php, generally located in the root folder of your WordPress site. If you navigate to this file using our File Manager or via FTP, you’ll see code such as the following:
// ** Database settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define( 'DB_NAME', 'database_name_here' );
/** Database username */
define( 'DB_USER', 'username_here' );
/** Database password */
define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'password_here' );
/** Database hostname */
define( 'DB_HOST', 'hostname_here' );
/** Database charset to use in creating database tables. */
define( 'DB_CHARSET', 'utf8' );
/** The database collate type. Don't change this if in doubt. */
define( 'DB_COLLATE', '' );
Each section is labelled via comments that show what each area is used for.
The main details you’ll need to check here are the Database name, Database hostname, Database username and Database password. If any of these details are wrong, the connection to the database won’t be possible and you’ll need to change the details accordingly. But where do we find these database details?
Your site’s database details can be accessed and updated via your hosting package:
- Log into My20i and head to your Manage Hosting area
- Select Options > Manage on the hosting package you’d wish to edit
- Head to the Web Tools section and select MySQL Databases
- Under Manage MySQL Databases you’ll see your databases and their current Server, Database/Username and an area where you can update the password
Going back to the wp-config.php file, you can use the above details to fill out and update your connection details:
- The Server is your Database hostname
- Database/Username is the Database name and Database username
- The Database password is the password you’ve added to the Change Password area.
Once these have been updated, recheck your site and the database connection error should no longer display.
2. Checking the database connection
You can also use the above details to test whether your database connection is working. This can be useful to find out if the problem is with the details being used or if there’s something wrong with the database itself.
To do this, head to your site’s File Manager or use FTP to create a new file in the root folder of your site. You can name this whatever you’d like, but make sure that the file is saved as a .php file such as test.php.
Once done, add the following code to the file:
$host = 'hostname';
$user = 'username';
$pass = 'pass';
$test = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass);
if (!$test) {
die('MySQL Error: ' . mysqli_error());
echo 'Database connection is working properly!';
Replacing ‘hostname’, ‘username’ and ‘pass’ with the database hostname, database username and database password respectively.
Once that’s set up and saved, load the script via your site. If, for example, you named your file test.php you can load this by visiting your site and appending /test.php to the end of the URL i.e.,
If the script loads and displays an error, there’s a problem with the details being used. If it instead displays the line Database connection is working correctly! then the credentials being used for the database are correct.
If that’s the case, and your site is still showing a database error, then the problem may be with the database itself. It will need to be repaired.
3. Repairing a corrupt database
The issue can sometimes be that your database itself has become corrupt. This isn’t a common occurrence. However, it can happen with the amount of data, rows and tables that can be created and removed by various third-party plugins and functions.
One way to test if this is the case is to try and connect via wp-admin. If you receive the following error:
It means that the database has been corrupted. Fortunately, there are tools that can be used to repair this, using both WordPress and PHPMyAdmin.
4. Using WordPress’ database repair tool
To access the tool WordPress provides to fix this, you’ll need to edit your wp-config.php file and add the following line of code before the line: ‘/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */’.
Define(‘WP_ALLOW_REPAIR’, true);
Once this code has been added, head to the following URL:
Replacing ‘’ with your domain. This will open up a repair wizard built into WordPress that will attempt to repair your database. Follow the steps in the wizard and, when it’s finished repairing, your site should come back online.
Once you’ve finished with the repair tool, remove the above line of code from your wp-config.php file.
WordPress CLI also provides a quick tool to repair the database. To access this, connect to your site via SSH and navigate to the root folder of your WordPress installation. You can then run the command:
wp db repair
This will start a full repair of the WordPress database.
5. Repairing a database with phpMyAdmin
You can also repair the database using phpMyAdmin.
To do so:
- Log into My20i and head to your Manage Hosting area
- Select Options > Manage on the hosting package you’d wish to edit
- Head to the Web Tools section and select phpMyAdmin
- Select Sign-In on the database you need to repair
- You’ll be signed into phpMyAdmin. Select your database on the left, and you’ll see a selection of your database’s current tables.
- Select all of your tables with the checkbox next to each
- From the drop-down at the bottom of the screen, select Repair table
This will run the SQL REPAIR TABLE command on all of your selected tables, which will attempt to repair and remove any corruption or broken data from these tables.
6. Repairing corrupted WordPress files
In some rare instances, the issue may lie with the files of the site rather than the database itself. This can happen when the connection during an FTP upload is interrupted, or malware infects the WordPress site and modifies the core files. If this is the case, you’ll need to replace the core files of the site with a fresh copy directly from WordPress.
In order to do this, first head to download WordPress’ latest version – you can find this here:
Once you have a copy of these files, unzip them on your local device and remove the wp-content and wp-config.php files. Then, connect to your site via FTP and upload the folders and files to your site’s root folder, overwriting your current core files with the fresh upload.
Note: provided that you remove the wp-content files, doing this won’t affect the content of your website – text, images etc.
Once done, your site should be loading with the correct files necessary.
Alternatively, you can use the following WP CLI command after connecting via SSH to achieve this as well:
wp core download --force
There are a number of potential causes and fixes for ‘Error Establishing a Database Connection’ errors within WordPress. By making use of the above steps, you should be able to pinpoint and fix this error, and bring your site back online as soon as possible. Always be sure to take a backup before attempting any form of manual change to your site files and database.

What is a 404 error and how do I fix it?
What is a 404 error?
A 404 Error, also known as a ‘Not Found’ error, indicates that the resource that a website requested couldn’t be found. This can happen for individual resources like images or CSS files, or for entire sections of a site like a page or the home area. When this occurs, debugging can be a little difficult if you’re unsure what to look for. There likely won’t be any information in the Error Log that can narrow this down.
Why do I get a 404 error code on my website?
404 Errors on your site are usually caused by the path to a file you want to load being defined incorrectly, or that resource simply not being present in the files. Depending on what content is missing, there are different steps you can take to debug and resolve these errors. Below covers three of the most common 404 error occurrences on sites and how to resolve them.
1. What causes an error 404 across my whole website?
If the 404 occurs when trying to load your site directly, then the site isn’t able to locate and load the index file using the site’s current home directory. This is commonly caused by the site’s Document Root being set to a folder that doesn’t exist on the system.
How to fix the 404
- Log in to your control panel (My20i)
- Select the package that is showing the 404 error under Manage Hosting
- Head to the Domains section in the package
- Here, you’ll be able to see the current Document Root set for your domain. You need to make sure that this is pointing to the folder that contains your site files.
- Once that’s been changed to the correct folder for your site, hit the Update button and allow the system 15 minutes to adjust. The 404 message should then stop occurring.
2. What causes the 404 error on all subpages In WordPress?
Another common issue is a WordPress site throwing 404 Not Found errors on every page on the site, except for the homepage. This is caused by the site’s permalink structure not being set up correctly, which can be solved from within WordPress itself. To resolve this:
- Log in to the WP Admin area of your WordPress site.
- From the Dashboard, hover over Settings and select Permalinks.
- This page is defines what URL structure your WordPress site uses to display and load its subpages and posts. Make sure this value is set correctly based on your preference, and then hit Save Changes.
If the value is already set correctly, hit the Save button regardless. This forces WordPress to rebuild the permalinks internally, which should bring your site’s pages back online and allow them to display once more.
3. Why do my site’s images return a 404 Error?
This generally relates to either the site images not being present in the file manager, or the file path to those images being defined incorrectly.
In order to debug this:
- Log in to your My20i control panel
- Select the package that is showing the 404 error under Manage Hosting
- Head to the File Manager in your package, and navigate to the folder the images should be stored in. Make sure that the images are present there under the correct file name.
- Once done, check your site’s configuration file.
Some setups - such as OpenCart - have a definition for the image file path, for example:
define('DIR_IMAGE', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/image/');
This needs to be set correctly in order for the images to properly load without a 404 error.
WordPress sites have a Media section under Settings in WP Admin that need to be configured to point to the correct uploads folder in order for site images and uploaded content to load and be editable
If your site wasn’t built with a CMS and instead was built using HTML/CSS, you’ll need to check your site’s files and make sure the hardcoded paths to the images you’re attempting to load are correct.
Why am I getting a 'Too Many Redirects' error?
'Too Many Redirects' errors are caused by sites stuck in a loop of redirects.
One or multiple redirections point to themselves, resulting in the site being unable to load as it will continuously redirect until either the browser stops it early or the site goes down.
Most commonly, ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS are caused by incorrect or poorly-defined redirect rules in your .htaccess file, or a plugin forcing a redirect over and over.
Below are some common causes - 'always true' rules, mixed content and caching. We'll explain what they mean and show you how to fix them.
Always true rules
Redirect rules set in the .htaccess file have conditions. These conditions decide when a redirect rule should redirect a site, so that the site doesn’t always redirect. If these conditions aren’t set correctly however, they can always be ‘true’, meaning that the redirect will always occur and as a result the site will loop.
For example, we have a site and we try to redirect this to our subdomain
One way we could do this is via the following:
RewriteCond "%{HTTP_HOST}" "$"
RewriteCond "%{REQUEST_URI}" "^/"
RewriteRule ".*" "" [L,R=301]
In the above example, we have our condition:
RewriteCond "%{HTTP_HOST}" "$"
Which states that, if the URL contains ‘’, redirect the site. However, this will lead to a loop, as our subdomain also contains ‘’, resulting in the too many redirects error.
A much better way to do this redirect would be instead to use:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^my\.domain\.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://my\.domain\.com/$1 [R=301,L]
Which instead uses the condition:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^my\.domain\.com [NC]
This checks to see if the URL is not the subdomain, and redirects the site if it’s not.
It’s worth looking through your rules and making sure this type of logical loop doesn’t occur.
If you’re unsure, try renaming your .htaccess file. If the error stops when doing so, something in that file is causing the loop itself.
Mixed Content
The term ‘Mixed Content’ refers to when parts of a website on HTTPS try to load content over HTTP. In more uncommon cases, this can result in a site correcting itself to HTTP, then redirecting to HTTPS, resulting in a loop between the two which causes the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS.
In cases such as this, it’s best to temporarily remove any rules that may be enforcing HTTPS, and then updating all of your site’s URLs to ensure they’re either all on HTTP or all on HTTPS.
We have a full guide on finding and fixing mixed content here.
Force HTTPS Scripts
Some Content Management Systems (CMS) such as Joomla have options that can force HTTPS connections to your site as a part of the integration. Enabling these makes tweaks to the code to enforce this – however, if you’ve already included your own scripts to force HTTPS or are using 20i’s option to do so in the SSL/TLS area, then this could potentially conflict and lead to a loop.
Check your current CMS setup to see if any options to force HTTPS connections are enabled. If they are, disable or remove any other scripts or options that will be enforcing this to remove any conflicts.
Caching can also cause a redirect loop as site and server caching can store redirects, resulting in a rule that has been removed to continue to be used.
The quickest way to check to see if this is the case is to visit the site with a query string at the end, for example:
Anything after the '?' is ignored, so you can write anything. Doing so will bypass the cache on the site and force the site to load directly.
If the site then loads fine without the redirect error, you can confirm that caching is what's causing the redirect.
Check your site for any cache folders and clear them, and then clear the edge cache from within your package:
- Log into My20i and head to your Manage Hosting area
- Select Options > Manage on the hosting package you’d wish to edit
- Select Edge Caching from under the CDN section of the package
At the bottom of the Edge Caching page, select Purge Everything. The server cache will be cleared within a few minutes.
Now you should be free of the 'too many redirects' error. Get in touch with our support team if you need further help.
How to fix PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR (SSL) in Firefox
Mozilla Firefox users encounter the PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR (Secure Connection Failed) in the default error message when they have attempted to visit a website and the browser was unable to establish a secure connection. This is because all cipher suites failed and when this happens, users encounter the same error message with any other website they then try to visit. The good news is this is not an error that happens often, the bad news is it will require your immediate attention.
We have 5 different fixes you can try:
- Uninstalling third-party security suite
- Disabling your VPN or Proxy
- Resetting & refreshing Firefox SSL settings
- Disabling DNS over HTTPS
- Create a new Firefox profile
Safari and Chromium browsers
If you are using Safari or chromium browser, then this will not be an error code that you will see. It’s an issue that only occurs through Firefox and there is more than one way to solve it that does not require deep technical knowledge. Before you start engaging another support party to get this solved for you, it’s not as complicated as you think. There are five different ways you can tackle this problem and when you encounter it if you’re not sure what is at the root cause, you may have to apply any or all of them.
Third-party software: Windows vs Mac and Linux
It’s not just different root causes and methods to solve the issue, the OS you are using will also have an impact on the way to resolve this. There is a marked difference between Mac and Windows and that relates to the third-party security software. Mac and Linux machines have internal infrastructures that enable safe browsing without additional anti-virus software so the first fix is aimed at Windows users.
1. Uninstalling third-party security suite
It’s been reported that certain security tools such as Bitdefender, REVE, and ESET can be a little overprotective and these security tools will insist on intercepting connection certificates and sending their own. With most websites, this is not an issue, but some might end up triggering the PR error code as a security precaution. The fix is to disable this protection or uninstall the security suite. This process will be different depending on the third-party security you are using but, in most cases, you should be able to do this directly from the taskbar icon of your antivirus or firewall suite.
Windows users
Individuals using Firefox on a Windows machine may have a situation where the security interprets cipher suites as a potential threat. In the first instance, you will need to:
- Locate the dashboard for your antivirus software and toggle it off.
- Once you have done this you can exit the program, and shut down your machine.
- Wait for around a minute before restarting. This is necessary to allow the computer memory time to clear.
- Once you restart, ensure that the software isn’t running on your desktop.
- You can then check your browser and if the error has cleared, you can resume browsing.
What if the error message persists?
If you’re still seeing the error message, you may need to look at your VPN or proxy settings because these can also impact your browser. A proxy works with a single app or site and a VPN secures your network traffic hiding your IP address when you visit websites and replacing it with the VPN provider’s IP address. Whilst both tools help to protect your identity and privacy, only a VPN will encrypt your data.
2. Disabling your VPN or Proxy
In the same way as the prior fix, your proxy or VPN settings may connect and cause your browser to think cipher suites don’t exist.
- Once again you will need to go to the settings of your VPN to disable it in just one click.
- As with the last fix reboot your machine and check your browser.
To disable proxy
If disabling the VPN has not worked then you’ll need to look at the proxy which is a more complex process but by taking a few more steps it is achievable.
Mac users
Step #1: Click on your Apple icon to open the system preferences followed by the network.
Step #2: Find the network icon and click
Step #3: Locate the network you are using which is usually Wi-Fi then click on the advanced tab
Step #4 In the Select a protocol to configure box, you will need to uncheck all boxes and click OK On the Next screen open proxies tap. Uncheck. Restart your Mac and check your browser.
Windows users
Disabling the proxy for Windows users is also straightforward.
- The first step is to type proxy into the search bar.
- Then open the shortcut of the proxy settings.
- Scroll to the manual proxy subsection. You will need to toggle the switch to off.
- Once again reboot your computer and attempt to navigate to a page. If the error persists you may need to look at your browser settings.
3. Resetting & refreshing Firefox SSL settings
Often users encountering this error code report that they have previously played around with SSL settings. To carry out this fix, you will need to head to the hamburger menu in Firefox also known as the three-bar menu.
Step #1 Look at the upper right corner with Firefox open and just underneath the closing X, you will see the hamburger icon.
Step #2 Once you have opened this menu, from the drop-down list select options click help then select more troubleshooting information.
Step #3 Next click on Refresh Firefox and again in the confirmation window.
Step #4 Once done, you will see a window with your imported information, click Finish and Firefox should open.
Step #5 Decide if you want Firefox to restore some of your windows and click let’s go!
Your SSL settings will be reset and at this point, you can check to see if you can browse.
If this hasn’t worked there is another option, you can try.
4. Disabling DNS over HTTPS
The DNS or domain name system is the naming system that essentially converts domain names into IP addresses which browsers then use to load the pages. DNS over HTTPS is a protocol that allows you to encrypt your connection to protect it from attacks and privacy intrusion.
Whilst this is a useful and helpful protocol, it can also be the cause of the PR and default error code. Once again as with prior fixes, you will need to disable it by heading to your Firefox preferences screen. You can access this through the hamburger menu in the browser.
- On the general screen, click the settings button that will open the connection settings.
- Once there, you will need to find the enable DNS over HTTPS option.
- Uncheck this box.
- Restart Firefox and see whether the error has disappeared.
5. Create a new Firefox profile
If you have worked through all the fixes we have suggested, and the error persists, it may be time to create a new Firefox profile. Before you gasp with horror over lost bookmarks, there is no need to panic, you can export or bookmark pages safely ready to import your new profile. You won’t want to lose your bookmarked library so there are numerous ways you can access this.
- You can click the toolbar to show bookmarks or try a keyboard shortcut
- Click export bookmarks to HTML and save this file.
You can now manage your Firefox profile by typing about profiles into the browser or bar and then clicking enter.
- The screen should display your current profiles and give you the option to create a new profile. Click this and enter a new username.
- Click confirm at the bottom of the profile.
You can then launch this new profile and should not encounter the error code. This is the final recommended fix after you have explored all others – see below for an explanation as to why this is the last action you should take.
What causes PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR in Firefox
- Third-party security
Whilst it is their job to protect, there are some slightly overzealous third-party suites. The issue arises when they intercept connection certificates and then send their own. - VPN or proxy interference
VPN or proxy software Acts as a go-between or middleman by intercepting a connection which can trigger this error message. - Unsupported or incorrect cipher variance
If you have modified your SSL settings this may mean your browser is now forcing the site for a variance that either Firefox or the website, you’re trying to access card support. - Firefox corrupted
Sometimes a corrupted profile can be the culprit for this error code. This may mean starting again with a new profile
Will this error happen again, or can I prevent it?
If you have carried out the fixes we have recommended, you should not have this error message again BUT be aware if you switch anti-virus software, there is a chance that it will intercept connections and trigger the error again. In which case, work through the steps in our first fix. The other way to prevent this from happening again is to not play around with the SSL settings.
Is PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR indicative of other issues?
No, but it often occurs repeatedly because the user has not determined the root cause. It can be too easy to jump straight to setting up a new profile without interrogating other possible causes. Therefore, a new profile is a final fix when you have exhausted all other fixes.
Does this mean Firefox is not as good as other browsers?
Absolutely not! There are many positives to using the Firefox browser such as its privacy protection and cross-platform sync. The range of extensions and plugins you can use which Firefox make it incredibly flexible for designers or agencies
Is the security of my website causing PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR for visitors?
Yes possible. When someone visits your website and sees this error message, or the “Not Secure” means they have been given a warning that your web page or website is not providing an encrypted connection. This will trigger protection software or for Firefox browsers the PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR message.
What happens if a website is not secure?
The bottom line is not secure websites are vulnerable to cyber threats such as malware and cyberattacks. In the unfortunate event that your site falls victim to a cyberattack, it can impact the functionality of the site. From a business point of view, it can prevent visitors from accessing it, or even worse compromise your customers' personal information.
How do I choose a secure web hosting company?
With so many companies out there hosting, it can be hard to know which can help your business. Our ultra-secure hosting includes PCI-compliant hosting, malware scanning, 1 Tbps+ DDoS protection, web application firewall, brute force login protection, FTP security lock and 2FA as part of the package.
Why is web hosting security important?
We know that malware and cyber-attacks impact the functionality of your website. If you are selling a service and visitors can’t access your site, then they will go to a competitor. If you are selling a product and have an e-commerce site, then a cyber threat can mean customers can’t buy or worse have their personal information compromised. This impacts your business and bottom line.

How to fix an err_connection_timed_out error?
A common and particularly annoying error message, err_connection_timed_out can be caused by many different factors. At the most basic level, your web browser is telling you that it cannot connect to a website. Here’s how to fix this particular issue:
- Retry the website. The issue could be a temporary glitch that is resolved when you refresh and reload.
- Check your internet connection. Can you access any other website? If not, the issue is probably to do with your internal network or router. Often the fastest (and simplest) way to check is to reboot your computer/device and the network router.
- If rebooting doesn’t fix the issue and you still cannot access websites, contact your ISP for advice – there may be a broadband outage in your area. The ISP will take you through some additional tests to confirm the issue, advise if there is a problem with their network or perhaps arrange for an engineer to perform additional troubleshooting.
- If other websites are working fine, try clearing the web browser cache. This ensures that old, outdated settings are not causing problems.
- Some adblockers and antivirus tools interfere with your web browsing. Try temporarily disabling them to test whether the site is being blocked by one.
Still seeing the same error? It is possible that the website itself has crashed under the weight of too much traffic or some kind of technical outage.
Advice for website owners and operators
If you are hosting websites (or provide reseller webhosting) and receive reports of err_connection_timed_out errors from your users: First, confirm the problem is not related to local computer or networking issues using the troubleshooting steps above. If the problem persists you will need to report an outage to your web host.
Your web hosting provider will work with you to identify the source of the server-side issue. They may also be able to suggest potential improvements, such as increasing RAM allocations for your content management system, that will help increase performance and prevent future outages.
What causes the err_connection_timed_out error?
Normally err_connection_timed_out errors are caused by a connection problem, like a broadband disconnection or slow WiFi network connectivity. For various reasons your browser cannot communicate with the website in question.
Anything else I need to know about err_connection_timed_out error?
The err_connection_timed_out error is most often seen when using Firefox or Google Chrome web browsers. The Microsoft Edge error is slightly different - ERR_TIMED_OUT – but the causes are usually the same.
Safari users see a generic warning “Safari cannot open the page ‘’ because the server where the page is located isn’t responding”. Don’t be fooled, the issue could still be a problem with local network connectivity, so you should still follow the instructions above first.

How to fix a 'The page isn’t redirecting properly' error?
One of the less intuitive error messages you may encounter online, ‘The page isn’t redirecting properly’ error can be caused by multiple factors. At the most basic level it means that your browser is not able to locate the page you’re looking for.
In most cases the error is caused by a problem with the website in question, but you can try these steps to fix the issue:
- Retry the website. The issue could be a temporary glitch that is resolved with a refresh and reload.
- Clear your browser cache to try and force a complete reload of the page.
- Delete browser cookies for the website. Again, this will force a complete reload of the page.
If these steps don’t work, it’s likely that the website itself is experiencing technical problems. You’ll have to retry the site later, after the webmaster has had a chance to resolve the issue.
Advice for website owners and operators
If you are hosting websites (or provide reseller webhosting) and receive reports of ‘The page isn’t redirecting properly’ errors from your users, it is likely that that a misconfiguration is causing the issue. It is also likely that the problem has been caused by your most recent change. Here are some things you need to check:
- SSL/HTTPS settings
There are a couple of potential misconfigurations related to your SSL settings. Do you have an SSL certificate installed on your webserver? Have you recently installed a malfunctioning SSL plugin? Or perhaps you’re attempting to force an HTTP to HTTPS redirect? - Cloudflare SSL settings
If you use Cloudflare, it can cause problems when you install an SSL certificate on your webserver. Make sure you adjust the Cloudflare Flexible SSL/TLS encryption setting from ‘Flexible’ to ‘Full’. - WordPress address settings
A mismatch between the WordPress address and website address can cause problems. Check you have the same address set (check in the WordPress control panel at Settings -> General). If the error means you can’t log into your control panel, check the relevant settings in your wp-config.php file on the web server. - WordPress plugins
Occasionally WordPress plugin compatibility problems can create redirect errors. Try disabling the last plugin you installed to see if this resolves the issue. - Web server redirect settings
Redirects can be hard coded at the web server level too. If you have added new rules to your .htaccess files, try reverting the latest changes. - PHP server settings
Your web developers may have implemented redirects in the page header code. Have them roll-back these changes to see if normal service resumes. You should also have them check their use of login and session code which may be trying to redirect traffic incorrectly.
If you are still having problems, contact our support team.
What causes ‘The page isn’t redirecting properly’ error?
As the message implies, this issue is caused by a web server redirect not completing correctly. You can think of it like this:
- Page 1 redirects to Page 2
- Page 2 redirects to Page 1
- Page 1 redirects to Page 2
- …an infinite loop of redirects is created and the web browser eventually times out with the message ‘The page isn’t redirecting properly’.
The issue is almost always caused by a configuration error on the web server.
Anything else I need to know about ‘The page isn’t redirecting properly’ error?
This error message is specific to the Mozilla Firefox web browser. It’s the same as the err_too_many_redirects message that appears on the Google Chrome web browser.

What is a 429 error?
A 429 error, also known as Too Many Requests error, is an HTTP status code that is returned by a server to indicate that the user has sent too many requests in a given time frame and has exceeded the rate limits imposed by the server or an associated service. It is part of an abuse rule to protect against both brute force attackers and vulnerability scanners. It will only trigger when a single IP address has sent 'bad requests'. Requests such as 404 or 403 responses are identified as ‘bad requests’, 200 OK responses would not trigger the rule.
The purpose of the 429 error is to prevent abuse or overloading of a server or service by limiting the number of requests a single user or client can make within a specific time period. This is commonly used in APIs and web services to ensure fair usage and to protect the server from being overwhelmed by excessive traffic.
When you encounter a 429 error, you may need to wait until the rate-limiting period has passed or reduce the frequency of your requests to comply with the rate limits set by the server or service.
The root cause of the ‘bad requests’ can vary – However, one of the biggest causes are scripts in the background that are failing to load, these are normally in the 4xx range e.g. 403 and 404's, when you're making updates can you open console and check if anything is failing to load in. If you visit the site via a different connectin (i.e. mobile data), then it should work fine.
If you are experiencing a 429 error and need further assitance then please feel free to reach out to our support team for further assistance. Our team will need to know the steps to replicate the 429 error as well as the IP address of the device you're connecting from (

What is a 401 Error?
The HTTP 401 error, also known as "Unauthorized," is a status code that informs the client that the request lacks valid authentication credentials or the provided credentials are insufficient to access the requested resource. When a client receives a 401 error, it means that the server requires authentication before granting access to the resource, and the client hasn't provided the necessary credentials.
Now, let's explore the two primary causes of HTTP 401 error: StackProtect and HTTP authentication.
StackProtect: Protecting Against Bots
StackProtect is part of our security software and operates similarly to popular services like Cloudflare. Its primary function is to safeguard websites and online services from automated bots and unauthorized access. One of the techniques StackProtect employs is presenting users with a CAPTCHA challenge.
When StackProtect detects suspicious activity, such as “bot-like” behaviour or access attempts from a known-bad IP address or user-agent, it can trigger a CAPTCHA challenge for the client. The CAPTCHA is a test designed to differentiate between human users and automated bots. If the user fails to pass this test, the server may return an HTTP 401 error. In this scenario, the client must prove its human identity by successfully completing the CAPTCHA to gain access.
HTTP Auth: Protecting Against Invalid User Credentials
HTTP authentication is a mechanism for clients to provide valid credentials to access protected resources on a server. There are different methods of HTTP authentication, such as Basic Authentication, Digest Authentication, and Bearer Token Authentication. The server relies on these credentials to verify the client's identity and determine whether access should be granted.
The most common cause of an HTTP 401 error in the context of HTTP auth is when the client provides incorrect or missing authentication credentials. This could be due to a typo in the username or password, or the client failing to include the required authentication headers in the request.
Another cause of an HTTP 401 error in the context of HTTP auth is expired credentials. Authentication credentials often have a limited validity period. If the client uses expired credentials, the server will respond with a 401 error, signalling the need to reauthenticate and obtain fresh credentials.
Resolving HTTP 401 Errors
If users are continuously seeing the StackProtect page or if a particular bot is being blocked from accessing the site, please raise a support ticket and our support team can provide further advise on whitelisting access or disabling StackProtect for the package.
If users are failing to authenticate against the site, then you should ensure that the login credentials being used are correct. HTTP authentication is commonly setup using the .htaccess and .htpasswd files, so these can be checked to change or disable the authentication mechanism.
Our support team are happy to help with the process of finding where the authentication prompt may be coming from.

What does "This site can’t be reached" mean in my browser?
What does "This Site Can't Be Reached" mean?
When you encounter the error message "This Site Can't Be Reached," it indicates that your browser failed to establish a connection with the server hosting the website you're trying to reach.
This issue typically originates from problems in the route between your browser and the web server, rather than an inherent fault with the website itself.
Common causes include:
- Network Connectivity issues
- Incorrect DNS Settings
- Antivirus / Firewall issues
- Browser issues
- Web Server issues
What steps should I take to resolve "This Site Can't Be Reached"?
Check Internet Connectivity
Confirm that your internet connection is operational by visiting a well-known website like
If it loads successfully, your internet connection is likely functioning; otherwise, you may have connectivity issues.
You can also try restarting your router or modem and see if the issue persists.
Verify DNS Settings
Ensure that the DNS settings for your website are correct. Pay particular attention to Nameservers and A records, as they are often the sources of DNS-related issues.
You could also consider temporarily changing your DNS server to a public DNS server such as Google DNS or CloudFlare
Browser and Security Software
Try accessing the website using a different browser and temporarily disable any antivirus or firewall software.
If the site becomes accessible, the problem may be related to your browser or security settings.
It may also be worth clearing any browser cache or cookies, also check to ensure you are using the latest version of the browser.
Check Web Server Status
If the issue persists, it could be due to problems with the web server hosting your site. Check your service provider's status page for any reported issues that may affect server availability.
Server status can be found at
Typing errors In the URL
Sometimes the issue can be as simple as the URL has been entered incorrectly, therefore it is important to ensure that you double-check the URL entered to ensure there are no spelling mistakes.
What tools are available to help with debugging?
Traceroute/Ping Test
Use the Traceroute tool to trace the path from your device to the web server hosting your site. This can help identify routing issues or connectivity problems along the way.
For example:
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms
3 6 ms 5 ms 5 ms []
4 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms []
5 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms []
Trace complete.
DNS Checker
Utilize online DNS checker tools like to verify DNS records and ensure proper resolution. These tools can detect any discrepancies or failures in DNS resolution.