How to configure calendars using CalDav on a Premium Mailbox in iOS

Ruth Turner
Published: 1 November 2023Last updated: 1 November 2023

Our Premium Mailbox add-on comes with inbuilt Calendar functionality using CalDAV – you can synchronise these with your iOS devices to have your Calendar functionality with you wherever you go. In order to set this up once you have purchased the add-on:

  • Sign into your Premium Mailbox via Premium Webmail.
  • You should see a Calendar button on the left panel. Select this to navigate to the Calendars area.
  • Next to Calendars at the top there is a button consisting of three dots – select this, and then Show Calendar URL
  • You’ll see a display with two addresses – the bottom box contains the URL to your calendar – make a note of this.

Once you have the details you need, you should then open the Apple Mail client on your iOS device, and do the following:

  1. Select Settings Calendar Accounts.
  2. Under ACCOUNTS, select Add Account  Other.
  3. Under CALENDARS, tap Add CalDAV Account to add a calendar account. 
  4. You’ll then be presented with areas to enter your details – these are as follows:
    • Server: The URL you noted from your profile.
    • Username: Your email account.
    • Password: Your mailbox’s password.
    • Description: A name for your account ie. My Calendar.
  5. Select Save at the top. This should set up your calendar on your iOS device.