Reseller Hosting: Reports

Ruth Turner
Published: 6 August 2024Last updated: 3 August 2024


20i’s Control Panel offers a host of reporting features, covering business information, website performance and security across all your hosting packages. 


Reporting Menu 

Mailbox Usage 

This shows a list of email mailboxes showing their quotas, how much is being used, and links to manage email accounts (for example, ordering extra email space). 

Bandwidth Usage 

If you’ve set bandwidth limits, this will show much has been used expressed as a percentage of the quota you’ve applied. 

Disk Usage 

Like the above, this shows how much solid-state disk storage space has been used in each package. If you’ve set quotas, these figures will also be expressed as a percentage of those quotas. 

MySQL Usage 

This will show the size of each MySQL database, and their progression towards the 1GB limit. 

Malware Detection

We scan your sites for malware periodically, and this enables you to see the results. This page also gives you an option to receive email alerts should malware be detected in one of our scheduled scans.

Logs & Stats 

These features cover individual hosting packages and can be accessed from ‘Manage Hosting’ > ‘Manage a hosting package’.

  • AWStats - An open-source software tool that provides detailed website performance information based on log files from your sites’ servers. Statistics can be filtered by fields such as visits, page visits, unique visitors, bandwidth and much more.
  •  Webalizer - Another open-source software tool that displays a simplified, straightforward summary of your website’s usage statistics. 
  • Mail Logs - An incredibly useful tool for monitoring email deliverability and troubleshooting as well as keeping track of important notifications as part of audit trails and legal compliance. 
  • Access/Error Logs - Can be used for reporting, debugging, support and development 
  • White-Label Marketing Copy - Makes use of information direct from 20i’s load balancers, and as such, is the most up-to-date and accurate information available. It shows bandwidth usage and hits for a particular website which can be viewed as charts over a choice of time intervals.

Downloading Package and Domain Information 

You can download information from the Manage Hosting and Manage Domain pages as a .csv file to analyse and report on business performance.