Shared Hosting: Migrating Your Site

Chris Wright
Published: 23 July 2024Last updated: 27 August 2024

If you already have a website, it’s now time to migrate it to 20i. There are two ways to do this:

  • Contact our Support Team: Our Team can migrate your website(s) for you. They will need the credentials for your previous hosting provider. Once you’ve provided these via a ticket or chat, they’ll get to work right away to ensure that your site is configured to run at its best on 20i hosting.
  • Migration Centre: Use our Migration Centre to move your site files, databases and email automatically

Migration Centre

Our automatic Migration Centre will move all the files for your website(s), database(s) and email. It supports automatic migrations from web hosts who use the cPanel or Plesk or Direct Admin control panels, as well as other companies.


1. Choose your provider from the list and click ‘Next’

SH - 04 - Choose Provider-01.png

2. Enter the required credentials (usually username and password), and select ‘Next’

SH - 04 - Enter Details-01.png

3. Choose the package you’d like to migrate and click the 'Next' button

SH - 04 - Select Site-01.png

4. Choose where you want your want your package to be migrated to.

If you have Cloud Servers or VPS then you'll be able to select these from the 'Service Target' dropdown. Choose 'Package Allowance' to aim the migration at your Shared Hosting and press 'Start'.

SH - 04 - Confirm Migration-01.png

5. Your site(s) will then enter the migration queue.

While the migration takes place you are free to use My20i however you like. Head to the Migrations Overview page at any time to see the status of your migration. You’ll be notified when it’s successfully completed.

SH - 04 - Migration Completed-01.png


>> Next Step: The My20i control panel