How do I edit the PHP configuration on my website?
The PHP Configuration option allows you to change different values and variables within PHP. The PHP Configuration writes to the user.ini file, located within your file-space.
You can access the PHP configuration tool by going to Manage Hosting > Options (next to the package you wish to edit) > Manage > Web Tools > PHP Configuration
Below are the different configurable options available:
ASP_tag: Enables ASP Tag support to help reduce the coding volume in HTML.
Auto_append_file: Specifies the name of a file that is automatically parsed after the main PHP file.
Auto_prepend_file: Specifies the name of a file that is automatically parsed before the main PHP file.
Display_errors: Controls whether errors are displayed to the user or not.
Error_reporting: Sets the error reporting directive at runtime. Sets that level of error for the duration of the script’s runtime.
File_uploads: Allows HTTP file uploads to the server.
Post_max_size: The maximum size of POST data allowed to the server, per request.
Max_execution_time: The maximum amount of time on how long a single PHP script can run before the running script is killed.
Max_input_vars: The maximum number of input variables your hosting package can use for a single function.
Max_file_uploads: The maximum number of files that can be uploaded in one single request.
Memory_limit: The maximum amount of server memory that each PHP script can use.
Output_buffering: PHP sends the script output only after the PHP script processing has completed.
Short_open_tag: Makes the PHP code more concise by using shorter syntaxes in PHP scripts.
Upload_max_filesize: The maximum size of a file that can be uploaded.
To test your configuration you can generate a PHP file called info.php, for example, and then populate it with the code below:
It's important to note that PHP will only read the PHP configuration once every 5 minutes.